Check out all the tips to find out how many days should you stay in Orlando. One of the questions that most raises doubts among tourists who are traveling to Florida and planning their trip to Orlando is how many days are enough to be in the city. The answer depends a lot on what you want to do: shopping, theme parks and other attractions. From there, it is easier to identify the best number of days for your trip. Find out below how many days to stay in Orlando.
After reading this article, check out our tips about how to save a lot of money on your trip to Orlando. It is the most accessed article on our blog and will help you with all the trip planning. There are several unmissable tips that will save you A LOT of cash and set up your entire trip to Orlando.
How many days to stay in Orlando for shopping
The days you need to reserve for shopping in Orlando also depend on the number of days you have availability to spend in the city. However, we recommend at least half the trip for this, if your focus is really shopping in Orlando. For example, if you can spend a week there, set aside 3 days just to go to Orlando’s malls and outlets. If you have less time, like 5 days in the city, 2 must be for shopping. This measurement is made from your own focus. If you don’t care so much about Orlando’s theme parks and other attractions and rides, and really want to invest in the purchases, set aside half of the itinerary for that.
We recommend the Florida Mall and Mall at Millenia in Orlando, as well as the Premium Outlets, which are super great. One day for each one is fine, remembering that Mall at Millenia is the most expensive and luxurious one, so you can drop it if you’re not interested in designer shops.
How many days to stay in Orlando for Theme Parks
If your focus is going to Orlando’s parks, we recommend more itinerary days than shopping. Disney World by itself has 4 great theme parks, plus two water parks that operate in the summer – this is already 6 parks. There’s also Universal Studios, with 2 super cool theme parks and 1 new water park. And don’t forget about the other parks: Sea World, Busch Gardens (the roller coasters one), Discovery Cove (the dolphins one) and Legoland. Our tip, if you’re going to spend a week for example, is to schedule one day for each of your favorite parks, and one of shopping.
If you are going to spend more, 10 days, you can do a week of parks only, and two days of shopping. To choose which parks to go to, among so many, think about your priorities. Are you traveling with small children and want something more magical and playful? Disney World and Legoland are good choices. Prefer adventures and want to go to the World of Harry Potter? The tip is Universal Studios and Busch Gardens. And don’t forget to wake up early, so you can enjoy the whole day!
How many days to stay in Orlando for shopping + parks
If you want an itinerary that mixes shopping with parks in Orlando, the ideal is to mix three days of parks to each one of shopping. Mixing in that way, your trip gets more dynamic and fun. If you spend 7 days there, for example, you can do 3 days of parks, 1 of shopping, plus 2 for parks and 1 of shopping.
Tips to make the most of your trip to Orlando
Now that you’ve seen everything about how many days should you stay in Orlando, a great tip that makes the difference on your trip is to choose the location of your hotel. Orlando is a big city, and it’s so much better to stay in a region close to the main tourist spots. See our article best areas to stay in your trip to Orlando to learn about the best regions to stay there and how to get a great hotel for an excellent price (and find good deals). You will stay in the best region, close to the parks and outlets, and enjoy even more your trip!
Orlando’s parks, outlets and tourist spots are very far apart, which is why the tourists always choose to rent a car in the city. With a car, you will be able to enjoy your trip even more, visiting everywhere and shopping with peace of mind. If you want, see our article how to rent a great and cheap car in Orlando, where we give you every information that you need to know about this subject, with tips about how to find unique prices using comparators. It ‘s much cheaper than people think, and it is worth it because Orlando is definitively a city to explore by car.
How can I use my phone in Orlando?
Being able to use your cell phone on your trip is something extremely useful. With it working, you can search about all the spots, access the discount coupons and park apps, check the weather and even use the GPS, saving the rent of this equipment for the car. Besides, of course, being connected to the various social networks!
We have selected the best tips about how to use your phone in Orlando, in which we indicate the cheapest way to use it all day long and anywhere in the entire country. With the mobile internet, you can search everything about how many days should you stay in Orlando!
Where is the cheapest place to buy Orlando tickets?
Many people don’t know where (and even when) to buy Disney and Orlando tickets. We’ve done a lot of research and find out where is the cheapest place to buy Orlando parks tickets. We always buy our tickets there! It’s where you’ll find the best prices and where you can buy all the tickets, for all the parks and attractions at once, in the same place.
Don’t forget about the Travel Insurance for Orlando!
A very important tip is to have an International Travel Insurance before traveling to Orlando. No one should travel without it, so you can avoid major problems abroad! It ends up being cheaper than people think, and in our article of International Travel Insurance for Orlando you check everything you need to know about it: which are the best insurance companies, and tips for hiring excellent coverage for a lower price, saving a lot.
Must-see articles from Orlando:
- Best things to do in Orlando: must-see places and sights in Orlando.
- Best places to go shopping in Orlando: a complete guide to shopping in Orlando.
- Orlando’s Best Parks: all the main parks in Orlando.
- Walt Disney World Parks in Orlando: the incredible parks of Disney World.